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Tips on Preventing Sewer Backups

Tips on Preventing Sewer Backups

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Wastewater backups are never fun. They can cause property damage and present a health hazard for you and your family. Thus, if you get or suspect a sewer backup in your home, contact Farrell Plumbing right away for prompt sewer repair services in Tarpon Springs, FL. Besides calling a professional plumber, here are some steps you can take to prevent a sewer backup.

Avoid Disposing of Oil and Grease in the Drains

If you pour cooking oil and grease down the drains, they will solidify inside the pipes, forming a clog. Furthermore, solid waste sticks to oil and grease, making the clog worse and eventually causing a backup. This can result in extensive and expensive sewer pipe line repair. To safely dispose of these substances, put them in a disposable container and throw them in the garbage bin.

Stop Flushing Paper Waste Products

Disposable diapers, feminine products, baby wipes, and paper towels don’t decompose quickly and can end up clogging your sewer line. To avoid major sewer line repair, dispose of such products in the trash can.

Correct Poor Plumbing Designs

Never route sump pumps, French drains, and other flood control systems to your drainage system. These connections can allow debris and sediment to clog your sewer line. If you have connected French drains and sump pumps into the sewer line, contact a reputable contractor to ensure your sewer system is in good condition.

Perform Routine Inspections

The best way to manage a sewer backup and avoid an untimely sewer line replacement is to prevent one from occurring. If you’re not familiar with residential plumbing and drainage systems, hire a professional to inspect your home. This way, you will identify issues that can potentially cause a sewer problem and fix them before they cause damage.

If you’re experiencing or suspecting sewer backup problems, contact Farrell Plumbing so we can repair or replace sewer line right away. We have skilled and seasoned plumbers who can handle all your sewer line problems. Schedule an appointment with our team today.

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